
Preparation for engineering-related programs takes place at the ILPS center Poděbrady, which is an hour away from Prague. More than 90% of our Poděbrady center students are admitted to study at a state university for free.

Study branches:


Finance and accounting

Economics and company management

International trade

National economy

Economic policy


Study Banking in Czech Republic

Charles University

  • Economics and Finance. Web

University of Economics and Business Prague

  • Banking and Insurance. Web

Silesian University

  • Banking, Finance and insurance. Web

Study Finance and accounting in Czech Republic

University of Economics and Business Prague

  • Finance. Web

  • Accounting and Financial Management. Web

  • Taxation and Tax Policy. Web

Brno University of Technology

  • Accounting and Taxes. Web

Mendel University in Brno

  • Finances. Web

  • Financial Service. Web

  • Technical Expertise and Appraisement. Web

The University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice

  • Financial and Economic Analysis. Web

  • Finance and Accounting. Web

Masaryk University

  • Finance. Web

  • Finance and Law. Web

Silesian University

  • Mathematical Methods in Economics. Web

  • Finance and Accounting. Web

The College of Polytechnics Jihlava

  • Finance and Management. Web

University of Pardubice 

  • Financial Institutions Management. Web

Tomas Bata University in Zlín

  • Finance and Financial Technology. Web

  • Accounting and Taxes. Web

Do you want to study at the best Czech universities for free?

You only need to do two things for this – learn Czech and prepare well for the entrance exams. All this can be done on ILPS preparatory courses of Charles University – we prepare for admission in almost all fields.

Study Economics and company management in Czech Republic  University of Economics and Business Prague  

Czech Technical University in Prague 

Technical University of Ostrava 

University of  Pardubice 

University of West Bohemia in Pilsen 

The University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice 

Masaryk University 

Silesian University 

Technical University of Liberec 

University of Jan Evangelista Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem  

University of Pardubice 

Technical University of Ostrava 

Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice 

Mendel University in Brno 

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague  

University of Hradec Králové 

University of Chemistry and Technology Prague 

Do you want to study at the best Czech universities for free?

You only need to do two things for this – learn Czech and prepare well for the entrance exams. All this can be done on ILPS preparatory courses of Charles University – we prepare for admission in almost all fields. Click the banner

Study International trade in Czech Republic  University of Economics and Business Prague  

Technical University of Liberec 

Technical University of Ostrava 

Do you want to study at the best Czech universities for free?

You only need to do two things for this – learn Czech and prepare well for the entrance exams. All this can be done on ILPS preparatory courses of Charles University – we prepare for admission in almost all fields. Click the banner

Study National economy in Czech RepublicCharles University 

University of Economics and Business Prague  

Masaryk University 

University of West Bohemia in Pilsen 

 Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita

Do you want to study at the best Czech universities for free?

You only need to do two things for this – learn Czech and prepare well for the entrance exams. All this can be done on ILPS preparatory courses of Charles University – we prepare for admission in almost all fields. Click the banner

Study Economic policy in Czech Republic  University of Economics and Business Prague  

Masaryk University 

University of Jan Evangelista Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem  

  • Regional Development and Public Administration. Website of the university 

University of Pardubice 

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague  

  • Economic and Cultural Research. Website of the university 

Silesian University 

Technical University of Ostrava 

Do you want to study at the best Czech universities for free?

You only need to do two things for this – learn Czech and prepare well for the entrance exams. All this can be done on ILPS preparatory courses of Charles University – we prepare for admission in almost all fields. Click the banner

Study Management in Czech Republic  University of Economics and Business Prague  

University of West Bohemia in Pilsen 

Czech Technical University in Prague 

Masaryk University 

Mendel University in Brno 

Technical University of Liberec 

University of Jan Evangelista Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem  

University of Pardubice  

Tomas Bata University in Zlín 

Technical University of Ostrava 

Brno University of Technology 

Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice 

The University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice 

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague  

Silesian University 

University of Hradec Králové 

Technical University of Ostrava 

University of Chemistry and Technology Prague 

Poslední změna: 20. říjen 2023 11:42 
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Univerzity Karlovy

Vratislavova 29/10

128 00 Praha 2

Česká republika