Art Programs at Czech Universities
1 Study Art history and theory in Czech Republic
2 Study Design in Czech Republic
3 Study Photography and film in Czech Republic
4 Study New media and multimedia in Czech Republic
5 Study Art-related specialties in Czech Republic
Preparation for admission to art-related programs takes place in the ILPS center Prague (Krystal).
Study Art history and theory in Czech Republic
Charles University
Art history. Ore details on the university website Website of the university
European culture history дробнее на сайте вуза
Christian art history Website of the university
Palacký University in Olomouc
Art history Website of the university
Masaryk university
Art history Website of the university
Combined art studies Website of the university
Theory and history of cinema and audiovisual culture Website of the university
Technical University of Liberec
Historical and museological research Website of the university
University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
Art history Website of the university
Cultural studies Website of the university
University of Hradec Králové
Presentation and protection of cultural heritage Website of the university
University of Ostrava
Art history Website of the university
Art history (double-subject) Website of the university
Art history with an emphasis on education (double-subject) Website of the university
Art history with an emphasis on education (double-subject, for general education schools) Website of the university
Maintenance of monuments with a special focus on technical monuments Website of the university
University of Pardubice
Cultural history Website of the university
Protection of material monuments (double-subject) Website of the university
Study Design in Czech Republic
Jan Evangelista Purkyně University
Design Website of the university
Mendel university in Brno
Furniture design Website of the university
Floral design Website of the university
Technical University of Ostrava
Artistic foundry Website of the university
University of Ostrava
Animation Website of the university
Book design Website of the university
Concept – Object – Installation Website of the university
Video – multimedia – performance Website of the university
Czech Technical University in Prague (ČVUT)
Design Website of the university
Technical University of Liberec
Environmental design Website of the university
Visual communication Website of the university
Tomas Bata University in Zlín
Shoe design Website of the university
Clothing design Website of the university
Glass design Website of the university
Digital design Website of the university
Graphic design Website of the university
Industrial design Website of the university
Spatial design Website of the university
Brno University of Technology
Design – Graphic design studio Website of the university
Design – Industrial design studio Website of the university
Intermedia and digital art – Body design studio Website of the university
Industrial design in mechanical engineering Website of the university
University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
Furniture and interior studio Website of the university
Fashion design studio Website of the university
Ceramic design studio Website of the university
Product design studio Website of the university
Design modeling Website of the university
Industrial design studio Website of the university
Didactic illustration studio Website of the university
Graphic design and digital media studio Website of the university
Graphic design and visual communications studio Website of the university
Comics and illustrations for children studio Website of the university
Book and paper shaping studio Website of the university
Study Photography and film in Czech Republic
Charles University
Film studies Website of the university
Palacký University in Olomouc
Film studies (double-subject) Website of the university
Tomas Bata University in Zlín
Publicity photos Website of the university
Theory and practice of animation Website of the university
Camera Website of the university
Directing and scripts Website of the university
Editing compositions Website of the university
Visual effects Website of the university
Soundtrack Website of the university
Production Website of the university
Masaryk University
Theater studio Website of the university
Theory and history of filmmaking and audiovisual culture Website of the university
Jan Evangelista Purkyně University
Photography and multimedia creation Website of the university
Graphic design Website of the university
Tomas Bata University in Zlín
Audiovisual production – Camera Website of the university
Audiovisual production – Directing and scripts Website of the university
Audiovisual production – Editing Website of the university
Audiovisual production – Visual effects Website of the university
Audiovisual production – Sound composition Website of the university
Silesian University in Opava
Audiovisual production Website of the university
Animation Website of the university
Documentary production Website of the university
Photography Website of the university
Camera Website of the university
Production Website of the university
Director Website of the university
Screenwriting and drama Website of the university
New media and multimedia in Czech Republic
University of Economics and Business in Prague
Multimedia in economics Website of the university
Masaryk University
Interactive media theory Website of the university
Palacký University in Olomouc
Ethics and culture in media Website of the university
Do you want to study at the best Czech universities for free?
You only need to do two things for this – learn Czech and prepare well for the entrance exams. All this can be done on ILPS preparatory courses of Charles University – we prepare for admission in almost all fields. Click the banner
Study Art-related specialties in Czech RepublicUniversity of Pardubice
Restoration and conservation of tangible cultural heritage artworks – Specialization: frescoes, sgraffito and mosaics Website of the university
Restoration and conservation of tangible cultural heritage artworks – Specialization: Paper, bookbinding and documents Website of the university
Restoration and conservation of tangible cultural heritage artworks – Specialization: Works of art and artistic craftsmanship on paper, textile and parchment support, and polychrome objects made of papier-mâché Website of the university
Restoration and conservation of tangible cultural heritage artworks – Specialization: Works of art and artistic craftsmanship made of stone, stucco, plaster, terracotta and artificial stone Website of the university
UMPRUM (Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague)
Design Website of the university
Graphics and visual communication Website of the university
Artwork Website of the university
University of Ostrava
Graphic design and visual communication Website of the university
Graphics and drawing Website of the university
Book design Website of the university
Painting I Website of the university
Painting II Website of the university
Sculpture – free creation Website of the university
Study Architecture degrees at Czech Universities
Preparation for admission to architecture programs is conducted at two study centers. Creative architecture and urbanism are taught at the ILPS Prague (Krystal) center and technical architecture – at the ILPS center in Poděbrady.
Technical University of Ostrava
Architecture and Construction. Website of the university
Civil Engineering – Terrestrial and Industrial Construction (Master’s degree). Website of the university
Czech Technical University in Prague (ČVUT)
Architecture and construction (bachelor’s degree). Website of the university
Architecture and construction (master’s degree). Website of the university
Architecture and urbanism. Website of the university
Landscape architecture. Website of the university
University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
Applied Mechanics (Master’s Degree). Website of the university
Construction Planning and Implementation (master’s degree) Website of the university
Administration and building management (master’s degree) Website of the university
Civil Engineering – Modern Buildings (master’s degree) Website of the university
Spatial planning (master’s degree) Website of the university
Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice
Terrestrial Construction Website of the university
University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
Machines and technical equipment design. Website of the university
Obecný kontakt:
+420 212 245 245
Dotazy ke studiu v kurzech:
+420 212 245 245 +420 778 754 481
Dotazy ke zkoušce pro trvalý pobyt:
+420 212 245 245
Dotazy ke zkoušce pro občanství:
+420 212 245 245
Dotazy ke zkoušce CCE, ke zkoušce pro LF a zkouškám NANEČISTO:
+420 212 245 245
IČO: 00216208, DIČ: CZ00216208
Identifikátor datové schránky: piyj9b4
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128 00 Praha 2
Česká republika