Humanities-related programs
Humanities-related programs at Czech universities. Preparation for humanities-related programs takes place at the ILPS center Prague Krystal. More than 80% of our Hostivař center students are admitted to study at a state university for free.
Study branches:
Charles University
Asian Studies: Vietnamese Studies. Website of the university
Asian Studies: Korean Studies. Website of the university
Asian Studies: Japanese Studies. Website of the university
Asian Studies: Indology. Website of the university
English and American Studies. Website of the university
English language and literature with an emphasis on education (double-subject). Website of the university
East European Studies: Ukrainian. Website of the university
East European Studies: Russian. Website of the university
East European Studies: Latvian. Website of the university
Eastern European Studies: Lithuanian. Website of the university
Spanish language and literature with an emphasis on education (double-subject). Website of the university
Central European Studies: Slovak Studies. Website of the university
Central European Studies: Romance studies. Website of the university
Central European Studies: Polish Studies. Website of the university
Central European Studies: Hungarian Studies. Website of the university
Sinology. Website of the university
Greek and Latin Studies: Ancient Greek Language and Literature (double-subject). Website of the university
Greek and Latin Studies: Greek Philology. Website of the university
Greek and Latin Studies: Modern Greek Language and Literature (double-subject). Website of the university
Greek and Latin Studies: Latin Language and Literature (double-subject). Website of the university
Greek and Latin Studies: Latin Language and Culture of Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Website of the university
Greek and Latin Studies: Classical Philology. Website of the university
Greek and Latin Studies: Language and Culture of Ancient Rome. Website of the university
Greek and Latin Studies: Language and Culture of Ancient Greece. Website of the university
Russian language with an emphasis on education (double-subject). Website of the university
Russian language and literature. Website of the university
Portuguese studies. Website of the university
General linguistics (double-subject). Website of the university
German language and literature with an emphasis on education (double-subject). Website of the university
Translation and Interpreting – Spanish. Website of the university
Translation and Interpreting – Russian. Website of the university
Translation and Interpreting – German. Website of the university
Translation and Interpreting – French. Website of the university
Translation and Interpreting – English. Website of the university
Czech – German/Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Translation Tschechisch – Deutsch. Website of the university
Latin language and literature with an emphasis on education (double-subject). Website of the university
South East European Studies: Romanian Studies. Website of the university
South East European Studies: South Slavic Studies. Website of the university
South East European Studies: Albanian Studies. Website of the university
Languages and communication of the deaf. Website of the university
Italian studies. Website of the university
Latin American Studies. Website of the university
Germanic and Northern European Studies: Scandinavian Studies (Norwegian module). Website of the university
Germanic and Northern European Studies: Dutch. Website of the university
Germanic Studies and Northern European Studies: Germanic Studies. Website of the university
Germanic and Northern European Studies: Finnish. Website of the university
French language and literature with an emphasis on education (double-subject). Website of the university
French philology. Website of the university
Phonetics (double-subject). Website of the university
Egypt and the Middle East in antiquity. Website of the university
Czech language and literature with an emphasis on education. Website of the university
Czech language and literature. Website of the university
Bohemianism for foreigners. Website of the university
Middle East Studies: Specialization in Iranian Studies. Website of the university
Middle East Studies: Specialization in Arabic Studies. Website of the university
Humanities and social sciences
Charles University
Communication research. Website of the university
Political science and international relations. Website of the university
Political science and public policy. Website of the university
Sociology. Website of the university
Sociology and social policy. Website of the university
Territorial studies. Website of the university
Humanities studies. Website of the university
Andragogy and personnel management. Website of the university
Archeology of prehistoric times and the Middle Ages. Website of the university
Archival and auxiliary historical sciences. Website of the university
Aesthetics. Website of the university
Ethnology and cultural anthropology. Website of the university
Philosophy. Website of the university
History. Website of the university
History – European Studies. Website of the university
History with an emphasis on education (double-subject). Website of the university
Information research and librarianship. Website of the university
Logic. Website of the university
Pedagogy. Website of the university
Political science. Website of the university
Psychology. Website of the university
Religious studies. Website of the university
Greek and Latin Studies: History of Ancient Civilization (double-subject). Website of the university
Greek and Latin Studies: Latin Medieval Studies (double-subject). Website of the university
Social work. Website of the university
Sociology: specialization in socioeconomic research. Website of the university
Sociology: specialization in sociology. Website of the university
Public administration and documentation. Website of the university
Most likely, you will have to pass the SCIO test to be admitted. Learn more about the test
Charles University
Law (5-year master’s degree, suitable for high school graduates). Website of the university
Palacký University in Olomouc
Law in Public Administration (bachelor’s degree). Website of the university
Law and Jurisprudence (5-year master’s degree, suitable for high school graduates). Website of the university
Masaryk University
Public administration (bachelor’s degree). Website of the university
Theory and practice of criminal and administrative law (bachelor’s degree). Website of the university
International commercial law studies (bachelor’s degree). Website of the university
Senior bailiff (bachelor’s degree). Website of the university
Charles University
English language with an emphasis on education. Website of the university
Biology, geology and environmental studies with an emphasis on education. Website of the university
Czech language with an emphasis on education. Website of the university
History with an emphasis on education. Website of the university
French language with an emphasis on education. Website of the university
Playing a musical instrument with an emphasis on education. Website of the university
Musical education. Website of the university
Chemistry with an emphasis on education. Website of the university
Information technology with an emphasis on education. Website of the university
German language with an emphasis on education. Website of the university
Psychology with an emphasis on special pedagogy. Website of the university
Pedagogy. Website of the university
Russian language with an emphasis on education. Website of the university
Choral singing with an emphasis on education. Website of the university
Physical education and sports. Website of the university
Health education. Website of the university
Arts education. Website of the university
Fundamentals of the social sciences with an emphasis on education. Website of the university
Mathematics with an emphasis on education. Website of the university
German for education. Website of the university
Special education. Website of the university
Special education/speech therapy. Website of the university
Training of teachers for kindergartens. Website of the university
Charles University
Art history. Website of the university
Theater studies. Website of the university
Film studies. Website of the university
Musicology. Website of the university
Obecný kontakt:
+420 212 245 245
Dotazy ke studiu v kurzech:
+420 212 245 245 +420 778 754 481
Dotazy ke zkoušce pro trvalý pobyt:
+420 212 245 245
Dotazy ke zkoušce pro občanství:
+420 212 245 245
Dotazy ke zkoušce CCE, ke zkoušce pro LF a zkouškám NANEČISTO:
+420 212 245 245
IČO: 00216208, DIČ: CZ00216208
Identifikátor datové schránky: piyj9b4
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Ústav jazykové a odborné přípravy
Univerzity Karlovy
Vratislavova 29/10
128 00 Praha 2
Česká republika