
Study Medicine and Nature Science Studies in Czech Republic

Medical and nature science programs at Czech universities 

For more than 60 years, ILPS has been preparing foreigners for admission to universities in the Czech Republic to study medicine. More than 83% of our graduates are admitted to study at medical faculties for free. 


1 Medical programs

2 Study Dentistry in Czech Republic

3 Study Healthcare in the Czech Republic

Medical programs 

The programs listed below are master’s degree programs that a high school graduate can apply to. After finishing studies, the graduate receives a higher education diploma, the MUDr title and the opportunity to work as a doctor. Read more about Medical degree in the Czech Republic

Charles University 

Read also: Why does Charles University have 5 (or even 6) faculties of medicine? 

First Faculty of Medicine 

Second Faculty of Medicine 

Third Faculty of Medicine 

Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové 

Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen 

Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové 

Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové 

Masaryk university 

Palacký university in Olomouc 

Dentistry in Czech Republic   

Read more about Dentistry Degree In the Czech Republic

Charles University First Faculty of Medicine 

Second Faculty of Medicine 

Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové 

Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen 

Masaryk university 

Palacký university in Olomouc 

Study Healthcare in the Czech Republic

The programs listed below are bachelor’s degree programs, the majority of which last for 3 years. After finishing studies, the graduate receives a higher education diploma, but does not have the opportunity to work as a doctor. The MUDr title is conferred only after a six-year master’s degree that a high school graduate can apply to. See medical programs here

Charles University First Faculty of Medicine 

Second Faculty of Medicine 

Physiotherapy. More details on website

Faculty of Physical Education and Sport 

Physiotherapy. More details on website

Third Faculty of Medicine 

Faculties in Hradec Králové 

Czech Technical University in Prague 

University South Bohemia in České Budějovice 

University of Jan Evangelista Purkyně 

University of Pardubice 

Tomas Bata University in Zlín 

University of Chemistry and Technology 

College of Polytechnics in Jihlava 

Mendel university in Brno  

Silesian University 

University of Ostrava 

Masaryk university 

Palacký university in Olomouc 

University of West Bohemia in Pilsen 

Poslední změna: 20. říjen 2023 11:43 
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