The Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies operates in the capital city of Prague and in Poděbrady - a pleasant spa town near Prague. |
All our teaching premises provide a welcoming and inspiring environment that stimulates study motivation and also provides space for leisure activities with classmates. In Prague as well as in Poděbrady, students will experience the synergy of historical monuments and modern teaching spaces.
Students of one-year preparatory programmes study in the university mini-campus Krystal Centre, which benefits from the possibility of classes, accommodation and meals in one place and its proximity to the Divoká Šárka Nature Reserve.
Czech courses for general public take place in Prague at the Voršilská Centre in the historic building of a former monastery, which until the recent reconstruction of the university served as the Arnošt of Pardubice dormitory. Our Prague students can also find accommodation in the Hostivař Dormitory.
In Poděbrady, students of one-year preparatory programmes take classes at the castle where Václav Havel also studied. The accommodation is just a ten-minute walk through the quiet spa town.
In addition to the study centres, the institute also has two specialized departments. The Methodology and Expertise Centre supports the quality of teaching in our study centres and also provides methodological courses for teachers and methodological audits and consultations for other educational institutions.
The Research and Testing Centre prepares and delivers standardised exams in Czech for both the Institute's students and the public.
General Contact
+420 212 245 245
Support Contact - Courses:
+420 212 245 245 +420 778 754 481
Support Contact - Exams for Permanent Residency:
+420 212 245 245
Support Contact - Exams for Citizenship:
+420 212 245 245
Support Contact - CCE Exams, Exams for Faculty of Medicine, MOCK TESTS:
+420 212 245 245
ID No.: 00216208, VAT No.: CZ00216208
Data Box ID: piyj9b4
Connect with us
The Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies of Charles University (ILPS CU)
Vratislavova 29/10
128 00 Prague 2
Czech Republic