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“Students at UJOP study hard and don't misbehave."- St. Nicholas 2024 coloured

Saint Nicholas worked up quite a sweat during his recent visit to UJOP's Voršilská, Krystal and Poděbrady centres which he managed in only two days. He made his rounds on 5 and 6 December, accompanied by a kind angel and a mischievous devil - who tried to scare the naughty students with his ominous bag. But much to his disappointment - and our relief - there were no naughty students at UJOP! Instead, St Nicholas was faced with a delightful surprise: the students were ready with Christmas rhymes and poems.

20 December 2024

UJOP students enthusiastically explore the Santini exhibition at the National Technical Museum

On Wednesday, November 20, students from the arts and humanities preparatory courses at UJOP visited the National Technical Museum to deepen their understanding of Czech culture and history, enriching their studies at UJOP. The highlight of the excursion was a visit to the exhibition "Santini and the World of His Architecture (1723-2023)", created to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the birth of the famous Czech architect.

15 December 2024

The beginning of Advent at UJOP in Poděbrady

On Monday, December 3, an Advent event took place at the castle in the Poděbrady centre to mark the beginning of the Christmas season. Teachers prepared a small advent gathering for the students of the preparatory courses to immerse them in the Christmas spirit and introduce them to Czech Christmas traditions. Together they all enjoyed listening to carols while decorating freshly baked gingerbread cookies, which were later used to decorate the Christmas tree. Throughout the activity, a few pieces of gingerbread were discreetly 'tasted' as our meticulous students made sure that only the most delicious cookies made it to the tree.

12 December 2024

Students of the medicine and pharmacy preparatory courses visit the 1st and 2nd Medical Faculty of Charles University

On Tuesday, 19 November, students of the medicine and pharmacy preparatory courses had the opportunity to visit the 1st and 2nd Medical Faculty of Charles University. During their visit to both faculties, they toured a variety of classrooms and laboratories, including the autopsy room, and had the chance to meet with students and faculty members. This gave them a valuable first-hand insight into the admissions process and the details of study.

10 December 2024

Drawing a skeleton or how ÚJOP prepares students of art for entrance exams and more

ÚJOP puts great emphasis on the portfolios also because admissions to schools in the Czech Republic take place already in November, so there is not much time for preparation left. ÚJOP recommends that its students arrive in the Czech Republic with a portfolio they have already worked on in their home country. If they do not have one, this course is the way ÚJOP offers them support. Those who already have a portfolio will receive professional help and advice on how to improve and compose the portfolio to make it as attractive as possible for the school.

27 November 2024

ÚJOP as a school of experiences. Interview with Japanese artist Moemi Yamamoto

Five years ago, after travelling around Europe and living in Japan again, she took an intensive Czech language course at UJOP. This enabled her to successfully pass the entrance exam to her desired Academy of Fine Arts (AVU) in Prague and then to fully pursue her career as a respected painter, which Moemi Yamamoto certainly is today.

26 November 2024

Students of humanities and arts preparatory courses visited medieval Prague

On Wednesday, 30 October, foreign students of preparatory courses for humanities and arts studies took part in an excursion to the House at the Golden Ring. In this historic place, located in the Old Town, they visited two exhibitions focused on 14th and 16th century Prague. The first exhibition dedicated to Prague during the reign of Charles IV, gave nearly forty students the chance to explore 14th-century Bohemia through modern and entertaining multimedia exhibits.

13 November 2024

A trip to Pilsen for art, education, markets and beer

On Friday, 8 November, students of the humanities and art preparatory courses of ÚJOP took a traditional all-day field trip to Pilsen, which included a visit to two universities and the Pilsner brewery.

13 November 2024

Students of ÚJOP took part in a competition for the best Halloween pumpkin

On Thursday, 31 October 2024, a traditional Halloween activity organized by the ÚJOP Centre for foreign students took place at the castle in Poděbrady. Over twenty pumpkins were waiting for the students on the garden terrace of the castle ready for shaping. Around forty foreigners from many countries engaged in the pumpkin carving. Some arrived in scary costumes, others decorated their faces with themed make-up.

11 November 2024

Students from twenty countries came together at the Find Your Czech event!

On Thursday 24 October, the annual event called Find Your Czech! took place in the UJOP Voršilská centre in Prague. Its aim was to help foreigners learning Czech to make contacts with Czechs who want to learn or practice a foreign language with a native speaker in return.

1 November 2024

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+420 212 245 245

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+420 212 245 245

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The Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies of Charles University (ILPS CU) 

Vratislavova 29/10

128 00 Prague 2

Czech Republic