• Studujte na univerzitě v srdci Evropy

Studujte na univerzitě v srdci Evropy

25. srpna 2022

Summer course for Ukraine

The Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies of Charles University will provide free Czech language classes to almost three hundred Ukrainian citizens. This will be made possible by a financial donation from the J&T Foundation aimed at supporting people affected by the war in Ukraine.

We are convinced that the knowledge of language is a primary tool of integration, protects people against isolation and social exclusion, and enables them to establish relationships, find jobs and pursue their education. Therefore, by teaching the language we want to support all those who are currently facing adversity. Thanks to this cooperation, we are opening groups for crash courses, morning and evening courses, intensive courses and summer schools.

Scholarship support covers the cost of classes and teaching materials but does not cover living expenses or accommodation costs.


Termíny připravovaných kurzů, přihlášky a další podrobnosti budou zveřejněny v průběhu srpna. Připravované kurzy budou probíhat od září do listopadu 2022. Kurzy se konají v nově zrekonstruovaných výukových prostorách ÚJOP UK Praha-Voršilská v centru Prahy nedaleko Národního divadla.

Basic Crash Course

The objective of the course with a time allocation of 20 classes (75 scholarship places) is to give students a basic introduction to Czech. The course will not only provide participants with the basics of Czech but will also be an opportunity for networking.

The programme focuses on the following topics:

• Introducing oneself, meeting people

• Orientation in the city

• Food and drink

• Personal details

• Activities and interests

Extension Crash Course

The objective of the course with a time allocation of 20 classes (75 scholarship places) is to extend students' knowledge of Czech, to learn to work with the language systematically and to enhance the range of useful conversational topics for everyday life in the Czech Republic.

The programme focuses on the following topics:

• Date and making appointments

• At the doctor's

• Daily routine - present tense

• My weekend - past tense

• My plans - future tense

Non-intensive courses

In these morning and evening courses, each with a time allocation of 32 classes (90 scholarship places), participants will improve their productive and receptive language skills and develop their vocabulary and other language elements. The classes take place twice a week for 90 minutes.

Six-week intensive course

This intensive course totalling 150 classes takes place daily with five classes per day (15 scholarship places in total). It is a systematic language training at different levels of language proficiency.

We have supported

Summer course for Ukraine

18 July - 12 August 2022

25 classes per week (100 hours in total)

30 scholarship places

A one-month intensive Czech course during which you will improve all your language skills, both productive (speaking and writing) and receptive (listening and reading). We will also focus on pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.

The course takes place in the newly renovated teaching premises of ILPS CU at Prague-Voršilská in the centre of Prague, near the National Theatre.

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Obecný kontakt:
+420 224 990 411

Dotazy ke studiu v kurzech:
+420 224 990 420
+420 778 754 481

Dotazy ke zkoušce pro trvalý pobyt:
+420 224 090 210

Dotazy ke zkoušce pro občanství:
+420 224 990 451

Dotazy ke zkoušce CCE, ke zkoušce pro LF a zkouškám NANEČISTO:
+420 224 990 451

IČO: 00216208, DIČ: CZ00216208

Identifikátor datové schránky: piyj9b4

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128 00 Praha 2

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