Art and Architecture Foundation Program at UJOP

UJOP, Charles University prepares students for the best universities

The story about the Arts and Architecture Foundation should start at the end, because this is the most important thing – where will you end up studying?

U.S. News college rankings*

World University Rankings 2024 by subject Art, performing and designCzech universities occupy the following positions:

  • 151-175 Charles University

  • 251-300 Masaryk University

  • 501-600 Palacky University

* According to New York Times U.S. News college rankings are widely seen as America's most influential

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QS Ranking

In theQS World University Rankings by Subject 2024 Art & Design, two Czech universities are among the top two hundred in the world:

  • 51-100 UMPRUM (Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design Prague)

  • 201-240 AVU (Academy of Fine Arts)

A very high score in the same ranking by Subject Performing Arts is Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, which is ranked 51-100

Also of note are two universities that are included in the QS World University Rankings by Subject  Architecture & Built Environment:

  • 151-200 ČVUT (Czech Technical University in Prague)

  • 201-240 Brno University of Technology

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Lecturer's view of the Foundation Economics Course

How do Czech art schools differ from those in other countries? The artist Nonna Lorenz, who teaches at the Foundation program Art and Architecture, explains: "Art schools in Europe, especially in the Czech Republic, are very different from the schools you find in your own country. Really European art [as a major] is something different, and not everyone knows how to approach it, what to show, what the entrance exams look like.

European schools and especially in the Czech Republic are different because 80% of the time students have to do everything themselves. The school, as paradoxical as it may sound, is not supposed to teach you and you have to go to that school prepared. That's actually the interesting thing and a lot of students who apply to university, they don't know about that, and they think they have time to choose, they have time to prepare, but they don't. You have to not only know where you want to apply, but you have to be good in what you are doing, because undergraduate college is about trying new techniques, trying new things with different approaches to the art, but you have to have a solid foundation.

You have to know exactly what you want from the art, why you're doing it, have your own style. So, you can't just copy from Pinterest, take inspiration from Instagram, but you have to have something unique, something of your own".

In the interview with Nonna you will find answers to the following questions:

  • Art school graduates are always high quality professionals. What is the reason for this?

  • What are the difficulties an applicant faces during the entrance exam to an art college?

  • What are the benefits of the Portfolio subject?

  • Why is it important to know the history of modern art for college admission?

Nonna studied at UJOP herself, and here is how she recalls her foundation year:

"I often think back to UJOP, to my time at Krystal. The very decision to go to study in the Czech Republic overwhelmed me in a way. It was extremely difficult to find my way around, but then I had a great Czech teacher and I thought I was lucky. Then I found out that only good teachers work at Crystal and therefore every student here is very lucky. With the distance of time, I can judge that of course UJOP first of all gives great language training. I can compare it to other schools as well, because I just don't see that level from other students. And that will be your advantage, because the earlier you learn to speak, the faster you will get involved in the society and in your studies. "

Art and Architecture: UJOP students visit to the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art

Every year we take our future artist students to an open day at the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art, where they can have an interview with the teachers, show their portfolios and hear comments on what they need to improve in order to be successful in the program. Take a look at the photos from the trip

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A short video report from the faculty visit

You can choose from the following programmes

Arts and Architecture COMPLEX

  • Intensity: 35 hours a week
  • Opening: September 2024
  • Length: Three-Trimesters
  • Place: Prague
  • Language: Czech
CZK 150 000 EUR 6 383

Arts and Architecture PROGRESS

  • Intensity: 25 hours a week
  • Opening: September 2024
  • Length: Two-Semester
  • Place: Prague
  • Language: Czech
CZK 110 000
No item matching the selection

Last change: May 13, 2024 08:30 
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