International students start their journey to higher education in Czechia

How did 2023/24 end?

Each new academic year brings changes in the lives of students. Yesterday's students of the UJOP preparatory courses became first-year students at Czech universities. Of course, for this purpose, students of English programs had to strengthen their professional language and prepare for entrance exams, and students of Czech programs also had to learn Czech at least at the B1 leve and master their academic subjects..

We are proud of our graduates who have been admitted to prestigious universities in the Czech Republic. According to the data we have, the successful graduates of the 2023/24 academic year were distributed as follows:

Sufficient level of Czech language

for free tuition

B1 - is the minimum level of Czech language with which some regional universities accept foreigners

B2 - with this level you can enter almost all faculties in the Czech Republic

C1 - this level is required primarily in medical faculties

The reasons why to study UJOP

Twice a year UJOP conducts an anonymous survey. Find 14 reasons why students of 2023/24 would recommend the course to others.

New Academic Year at UJOP

In August and the beginning of September, our students are starting to arrive. For the first time this year, UJOP offered a free Buddy service at the airport. During the week, our buddy met students in order to orient them in navigating Prague, hand over free SIM cards and provide moral support. With the help of buddy and our pre-arrival information, all students made it safely to their dormitories.

Read our article We are happy to welcome the students of ÚJOP, who are starting their classes

And on September 9, new students began their journey in the world of the Czech language and preparation for university studies. And since they became part of Charles University, they also had a matriculation ceremony, which took place in the heart of the university - in the main hall of the Carolinum.

UJOP Matriculation

Hundreds of students from all over the world filled the Great Hall of Charles University's historic headquarters. The graduates of 2023/24 addressed the new students with an inspiring speech. They shared their impressions of studying on the course.

Read our article Students from more than 50 countries celebrated the beginning of the academic year in Carolinum

Maya Layne Curry,Technical Foundation course 2023/24

Be proud of yourself for choosing to prepare for your future. The road is long and scary, but you must give it your all. I congratulate you on making it this far. Please, go forth, and learn!

Welcome to the Carolinum. A year ago I sat in the same seats as you, listening to the same opening ceremony in this beautiful building, wondering where my future was taking me. What I was feeling, was probably the same as what most of you are feeling today: nervous, tired; obviously confused listening to the ceremony in czech, as I didn’t speak any yet. Most vividly, however, I felt scared. I felt terrified to acknowledge that I had left my home, my family and friends, everything familiar to me; and I wanted to go back. I was afraid that if I really commit myself to studying here and fail, that I would be nothing more than a failure.

Everyone here has arrived to the Czech Republic under different circumstances, but we have all come with one purpose: to learn czech.

I knew, as all of you know, that this was going to be very hard. You can imagine what lies ahead of you. All the flashcards, the frustration, the afternoons, evenings, and nights of studying - I don’t have to tell you this. I am here to remind you to believe in yourself. It’s okay to struggle. It’s okay to feel stressed or scared at times. Know that all your peers are going through the same thing, and know there are many people at UJOP who want to help you, and want to see you succeed. Don’t be afraid to give it your all, and to reach out when you need help.

Time will fly by. It really does feel like yesterday, that I sat here listening, just like you. Though your main priority is learning, take the time to enjoy this part of your life. Be open to new experiences, meet people and make friends, eat good food, find little things to enjoy, and most importantly, remember to live. Balance between hard work and fun is what makes such a difficult task possible.

My mother always says; “Luck favors the prepared.” Be proud of yourself for choosing to prepare for your future. With hard work you can do anything, even learn czech. The road is long and scary, but you must give it your all. I congratulate you on making it this far. Please, go forth, and learn!

Nodirjon Fatkhullaev, Medicine Foundation course 2022/23

When I look at you, I remember my own beginnings at UJOP. Two years ago, I was exactly where you are today – full of determination, but also full of doubts.

Dear students, dear teachers, dear guests,

It is a great honour for me to stand before you today in this historic hall of the Carolinum, where the stories of so many students begin. When I look at you, I remember my own beginnings at UJOP. Two years ago, I was exactly where you are today – full of determination, but also full of doubts.

I came from Uzbekistan to fulfill my dream of studying medicine at one of the most prestigious universities in Europe. And today I'm here to tell you that you too can achieve your goals.

Studying at UJOP meant much more to me than just language courses. It was a place that gave me a solid foundation and prepared me for the challenges I had to face. Czech was only the first step. It was the key to opening the door, but UJOP gave me something even more important – confidence, discipline and support.

I remember how difficult it was – a new language, a new environment, high demands. But it was in this environment that I understood that UJOP is not just about learning. It's a community that supports and guides you. You have classmates from different parts of the world around you who are going through similar challenges. You have teachers who not only impart knowledge to you, but also motivate you and believe in your potential.

The last days before the exams were difficult. But what kept me going was the experience from UJOP. I knew I got the best I could. UJOP has taught me that hard work and the right approach can achieve even the most ambitious goals. And that's why I was able to successfully pass the entrance exams and get into all 5 medical faculties of Charles University.

Today I stand in front of you as a second-year student of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University. But more importantly, I stand before you as someone who once had the same fears and doubts as you. And if I could give you one piece of advice, it would be this: believe in the power of the path you have embarked on. Believe me, what may be scaring or worrying you right now is just another step towards your success.

UJOP gives you not only knowledge, but also the tools to overcome obstacles. Every hour you spend here is an investment in your future. It's not just about learning Czech, it's about becoming a more resilient, confident person ready for all the challenges that await you in academia.

And I would like to tell you that I will not leave you alone. Although I am now a second-year student at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine, I am active at the faculty and try to help new students and applicants who want to get there. Whether you need advice, encouragement or just someone to listen to you, I will be here for you. I know very well how difficult this journey can be, and I want to help you overcome it.

All of us who have been through UJOP know that it is not an easy path, but it is the path that will prepare you for future success. And I can tell you today from my own experience: if you persevere, if you try and believe in yourself, you will achieve your goal. I am proud to have been and am part of this community now, and I believe that one day you will be proud of what you have achieved here.

Thank you and I wish you good luck and strength in the coming academic year. Believe that every step you take now brings you closer to your dream.

We broadcast live from the scene. The sound quality is a little poor, but you can still catch the great atmosphere.

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How did the school year start?

Of course, the main priority of UJOP is to prepare students for successful admission and study at universities. But since international students will spend several years in the Czech Republic, we consider integration into the new society to be a very important component. In particular, there is a special two-week orientation programme that is designed to help students in all aspects of adjusting to a new environment and possibly a different learning style. The seminars will continue even after the end of the two-week introductory program, when students will already receive standard instruction in languages and academic subjects.

uk jumping students

Part of the meeting was an introduction to the three-semester structure of the school year. Students now know when they will have their exam periods. The lecturer Veronika Jankulíková invited the students in a very nice way to various school events that they can look forward to (Halloween, Christmas, Easter celebrations, school excursions and the final closing ceremony of the school year Graduacio).

Tutors emphasized that colleagues from the study department are available for students every day during the morning break and also immediately after the end of class, and also that it is necessary to regularly check the email boxes and the MS Teams account, which the school uses as basic communication channels. (All students have had access to their MS Teams accounts since the beginning, when the computer science teacher made sure that each of the students had access and knew how to work with it during the MS Teams seminar.)

Therefore, already in the first month, a block of introductory webinars is held:

  • Czech system of higher education

  • International Student Life – From Etiquette to Legal Aid

  • Secrets of learning Czech from UJOP graduates

Thus began the academic path of future doctors, engineers, artists, philosophers, architects and economists. Let their path inspire you too. You can already apply for the new 2025/26 academic year.

Last change: November 28, 2024 11:57 
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