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10 June 2024

The certificate award ceremony for ÚJOP students from the Krystal Centre went on in the spirit of friendship and memories

On Wednesday, 29 May, over a hundred students from the preparatory programmes of the Krystal Centre gathered in the Blue Auditorium of Karolinum, the historical building of Charles University, where also their inauguration two semesters ago took place. Now, having successfully completed their studies, they assembled here to attend the graduation ceremony and obtain their well-deserved certificates of successful completion of the preparatory programme before embarking on the next chapter of their study life. In addition, the best students received a reward.

The festive atmosphere was filled with the strong emotions accumulated during a year of intensive study. New friendships, exiting experiences and getting to know a new country and culture created memories that brought everyone closer together. In her introductory speech, the head of the study centre in Prague, Petra Landergott Kalvínská, M.A., said that in this academic year almost 250 students from an astonishing 53 countries from all over the world met at the Krystal Centre. Some groups still continue their studies: two classes of Ukrainian scholarship holders or students of Czech studies from Beijing University.

"Study accomplishments are a testimony of talent and persistent work," said Pavel Pečený, PhD, deputy director of ÚJOP, thanking the students for their efforts. "Thank you for your perseverance and bravery which living and studying in a foreign country requires," he added, and in addition to congratulating the students, he wished them good luck in their future studies, which will certainly create a path to their personal growth.

Teachers, academic assistants and others who contributed to the success of the academic year at the Krystal Centre were also rewarded with a small gift. All the assembled were also reminded by a short video of the most significant and wonderful moments of the whole academic year, from the inauguration to field trips, excursions and competitions.

Then it was time for the actual presentation of certificates to students of humanities, medicine and science. The class teachers also had the opportunity to honour the best students of their class on account of the results of the final exam and then two other students based on the teachers’ own decision.

Four students (Viktoriia Zavertana, Mariana Farkovets and Natalia Aleksandra Samborska from Slavic classes and Leen Ahmad from a non-Slavic class) of the Krystal Centre were awarded for their excellent results in the final exams in Czech language.

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Students with the best exam result

Class designation and class teacher

Name of awarded student

HS1 - Jana Borková

Zavertana Viktoriia 

HS2 - Jana Hupáková

Mariasova Elizaveta  

HS3 - Vladimír Drbohlav 

Kostenko Anastasiia 

HS4 - Irena Kobyláková 

Artemenko Daryna 

HF - Marta Krásová 

Svyrydova Mariia 

HN6 - Jaromír Kozák

Daniel Gabriel Law 

MS1 - Lucie Vodičková

Shvets Artur 

MS2 - Jana Jungová

Samborska Natalia Aleksandra 

MN1 - LenkaMikolášová  

Masika Salim 

MN2 - Eva Cyrani 

Leen Ahmad 

MF - Tereza Valentová 

Farkovets Mariana 

At the end of the festive afternoon Petra Landergott Kalvinská, M.A., said goodbye to the students: "We wish all of our students good luck in their future studies, whichever direction they may take" and the student anthem Gaudeamus Igitur was played.

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Photos: Jan Malý

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