Saint Nicholas worked up quite a sweat during his recent visit to UJOP's Voršilská, Krystal and Poděbrady centres which he managed in only two days. He made his rounds on 5 and 6 December, accompanied by a kind angel and a mischievous devil - who tried to scare the naughty students with his ominous bag.
But much to his disappointment - and our relief - there were no naughty students at UJOP! Instead, St Nicholas was faced with a delightful surprise: the students were ready with Christmas rhymes and poems. The devil had to return to his lair empty-handed from the Krystal and Voršilská centres, while the angel happily handed out sweets to all the students.
At the Poděbrady centre, St Nicholas decided to be extra generous. He didn't want to show up empty-handed, so he gave most of the students gingerbread. Those who had made the most progress in their studies received special chocolate figures. However, the devil did manage to leave a small lump of coal for some students – either because it was really cold in Poděbrady that day or as a result of their less-than-perfect attendance or forgotten homework! (Of course, that's just a rumour. :D )
To top it all off, the Mongolian students surprised St. Nicholas with a beautiful Christmas song, moving even the devil to shed a tear!
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