Czech Language Certificate Exam (CCE)

The internationally recognised Czech language exam can be taken in the Czech Republic and abroad. It is a prerequisite for entry to universities or employment. >>>

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Price from CZK 3 000 Ask us



    Applications always open at 8:00 a.m.


    The Czech Language Certificate Exam for foreigners verifies all five levels of achieved communication competency in accordance with the criteria specified in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (Companion Volume 2018). The quality of the CCE exam is verified by the Q mark, awarded by the international organisation ALTE to examinations which have successfully passed the audit and meet the 17 minimum quality standards.

     q205     eu


    What parts does the CCE exam involve?


    The exam consists of several parts. The length and content of the individual exam subjects depends on the level you choose.


    The written and oral parts of the exam are generally conducted on one day. There are breaks between the individual subtests of the written part of the exam.


    The order of candidates for the oral part of the examination is set by a random draw and cannot be altered. The exam ends at latest by 7 p.m. for the last candidate. If the number of enrolled candidates does not allow the oral part of the exam to end at latest by 7 p.m. for all candidates, the oral part of the exam can be conducted on the following day. Candidates will be informed of this fact via e-mail after registration for the given date is closed.


    cce urovne 2022


    Which level should I enrol for?

    cce pavouk en


    When deciding on the level to apply for, use the self assessment grid based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. You may find the translation of the grid in many other languages ​​here.


    The European Language Portfolio will also help you with self-evaluation. 


    © European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe



    Recognition of the exam

    The examination is recognized by most Czech and foreign employers and by some universities and colleges. It can help you for entrance examinations, improve your career and measure your progress in Czech.


    • pedagogical staff: The CCE exam is recognized for demonstrating Czech language skills by pedagogical staff (foreigners). In the case of teaching in kindergartens, primary schools and in the teaching of general education subjects in secondary schools, level C1 is required. Level B2 is required for other pedagogical staff (Zákon č. 563/2004 Sb., o pedagogických pracovnících).
    • Permanent resident of the Czech Republic: CCE–A2 and above is equivalent to the Czech Language Exam for permanent residence. For more information, click here.
    • Czech citizenship: the CCE–B1 and above is equivalent to the Czech Language Exam for Czech citizenship. More information can be found here. 


    Exam fee

    After sending the online form, you will receive an e-mail with confirmation and useful information, including instructions for payment of the exam fee. The fee for the exam in the Czech Republic must be paid no later than 3 days after submitting the application form. Proof of payment for the CCE examination must be presented at registration on the day of the examination.


    Exam fee in Czech Republic

    Level A1: 3 000 CZK
    Level A2: 3 200 CZK
    Level B1: 3 700 CZK
    Level B2: 4 000 CZK
    Level C1: 4 200 CZK


    The full amount due (excluding bank or transfer fees) is to be credited to the recipient's bank account - UJOP UK (ILPS CU), i.e. the payer is responsible for all the fees connected with the bank transfer. The amount may be paid in euro according to the applicable currency exchange rates at KB (Komerční Banka).


    Payment Instructions

    Account No.: 107-8145640267/0100
    IBAN: CZ53 0100 0001 0781 4564 0267

    Variable symbol: 42205
    Specific symbol: unique application form code
    Constant symbol: 0308
    Message for beneficiary: your first name and surname

    Bank: Komercni banka, Na Prikope 33, 114 07 Praha 1
    Account Name: Univerzita Karlova, Ovocny trh 5, 116 36 Praha 1


    Exam fee discount in Czech Republic

    Students of daytime Czech courses at ILPS CU

    500 CZK

    Graduates of daytime Czech courses at UJOP UK

    The discount applies only for the next CCE exam date after completing the course.
    500 CZK


    Cancellation or Transfer of the Application to Another Term in the Czech Republic
    1. Until the online applications for the given term are closed:
      • If the application is cancelled, the non-repayable registration fee amounting CZK 500 will be deducted from the paid amount and it will be used for payment of a cancellation fee.
      • The transfer of an application to another term is possible only after paying a manipulation fee amounting CZK 500.
    2. After the online applications for the given term are closed, it is not possible to cancel or transfer the application.
    3. After the online applications are closed and in case the absence is documented by a medical confirmation:
      • If the application is cancelled, the non-repayable registration fee amounting CZK 500 will be deducted from the paid amount and it will be used for payment of a cancellation fee.
      • The transfer of an application to another term is possible only after paying a manipulation fee amounting CZK 500.
    Cancellation or Transfer of the Application to Another Term abroad

    In the event that a candidate cannot attend or has decided not to attend the examination abroad, he/she must follow the instructions of the given foreign examination centre. The conditions for postponing the examination date and refunding the examination fee are published by the examination centre on its website, or the examination centre informs the candidates at the latest before collecting the examination fee.


    * { box-sizing: border-box; } .flex-container { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; text-align: center; justify-content: center; } .flex-item { background-color: #e4e4e4; margin: 2px; padding: 8px; flex: 50%; } .flex-item img { width: 20px; margin-right: 8px; } /* Responsive layout - makes a one column-layout instead of a two-column layout */ @media (max-width: 800px) { .flex-container { flex-direction: column; } .flex-item { padding: 25px 15px; flex: 50%; } .flex-item img { width: 50px; margin-right: 8px; } } * { box-sizing: border-box; } .flex-container { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; text-align: center; justify-content: center; } .flex-item { background-color: #e4e4e4; margin: 2px; padding: 8px; flex: 0 0 33.33%; /* Přidáno: Šířka 33.33% na každém řádku */ } .flex-item img { width: 20px; margin-right: 8px; } /* Responsive layout - makes a one column-layout instead of a two-column layout */ @media (max-width: 800px) { .flex-item { flex: 0 0 100%; /* Přidáno: Při responsivním zobrazení nastavte šířku na 100% */ padding: 25px 15px; } .flex-item img { width: 50px; margin-right: 8px; } }

    czCzech Republic – Prague
    czCzech Republic – Brno
    czCzech Republic – Olomouc
    czCzech Republic – České Budějovice
    czCzech Republic – Hradec Králové
    atAustria – Vienna
    beBelgium – Brussels
    bgBulgaria – Sofia
    frFrance – Paris
    huHungary – Budapest
    deGermany – Berlin
    deGermany – Munich
    deGermany – Weiden
    jpJapan – Tokio
    kzKazakhstan – Almaty
    plPoland – Warsaw
    krRepublic of Korea – Soul
    srbSerbia - Belgrade
    skSlovakia – Bratislava
    esSpain – Madrid
    uaUkrajina – Kyjev
    usUSA – New York
    uzUzbekistan – Tashkent
    vnVietnam – Hanoj


    Reasons to choose CCE–A1?
    • confirmation of Czech language proficiency at A1 level;
    • internationally recognised certificate.


    CCE–A1 qualification shows that you can...
    • participate in uncomplicated everyday interactions in a very simple way, as long as people speak slowly and clearly;
    • introduce yourself, ask and answer very simple concrete questions;
    • understand basic information (e.g. about yourself, your family, shopping, work);
    • write a very short, simple text about everyday and simple situations.


    Exam format
    Exam part (Subtest) Time limit
    Reading Comprehension + Writing 60 minutes
    Listening Comprehension 20–25 minutes
    Speaking 5–7 minutes / 1 person




    Reasons to choose CCE–A2?
    • confirmation of Czech language proficiency at A2 level;
    • proof of Czech language proficiency for permanent residence in the Czech Republic;
    • admission to study at some faculties in the Czech Republic;
    • internationally recognised certificate.


    CCE–A2 qualification shows that you can...
    • understand and use common vocabulary related to everyday life (e.g. about leisure, shopping, work or study);
    • you can cope with simple interaction with direct exchange of information about familiar and common facts;
    • you can write a simple personal letter of thanks or apology.


    Exam format
    Exam part (Subtest) Time limit
    Reading Comprehension 40 minutes
    Listening Comprehension 25–30 minutes
    Writing 40 minutes.
    Speaking 8–10 minutes / 1 person




    Reasons to choose CCE–B1?
    • confirmation of Czech language proficiency at B1 level;
    • admission to a number of faculties in the Czech Republic;
    • obtaining citizenship of the Czech Republic;
    • internationally recognized certificate.


    CCE–B1 qualification shows that you can...
    • deal with everyday situations related to travelling, working, studying, communicating with institutions in the public area;
    • describe your experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions;
    • can briefly explain and justify their opinions, plans and recommendations.


    Exam format
    Exam part (Subtest) Time limit
    Reading Comprehension 50 minutes
    Listening Comprehension 35–40 minutes
    Writing 60 minutes
    Speaking 15–18 minutes / pair




    Reasons to choose CCE–B2?
    • confirmation of Czech language proficiency at B2 level;
    • admission to most faculties in the Czech Republic;
    • employment in the labour market;
    • internationally recognised certificate.


    CCE–B2 qualification shows that...
    • you are independent user of the language who can deal even with less common situations;
    • you can communicate with native speakers quite naturally;
    • you can understand relatively complex texts on a wide range of topics and write them;
    • you can understand abstract topics and topics related to your field of study or profession.


    Exam format
    Exam part (Subtest) Time limit
    Reading Comprehension 60 minutes
    Listening Comprehension 40–45 minutes
    Grammar/lexical test 30 minutes
    Writing 80 minutes
    Speaking 18–21 minutes / pair



    TIPS FOR EXAM PREPARATION: Writing and Speaking - B2 level (PDF)

    TIPY A RADY PRO PŘÍPRAVU: Psaní a Mluvení ‒ úroveň B2



    TIPS FOR EXAM PREPARATION: Writing - B2 level (PDF)

    CCE B2 tipy ulohy psani


    Reasons to choose CCE–C1?
    • Confirmation of Czech language proficiency at C1 level;
    • admission to study at medical faculties in the Czech Republic;
    • employment in the labour market;
    • internationally recognised certificate.


    CCE–C1 qualification shows that...
    • you are experienced language user who can easily and with high confidence handle all areas of language use, including academic and public domains;

    • you can use Czech effectively and flexibly according to communicative situations and intentions;

    • you can understand complex speeches (lectures, discussions) even on abstract topics, including speeches with implied relationships and ideas;

    • you can write clear, detailed and well-organised texts on complex topics.


    Exam format
    Exam part (Subtest) Time limit
    Reading Comprehension 60 minutes
    Listening Comprehension 50–55 minutes
    Gramaticko-lexikální test 50 minutes
    Writing 90 minutes
    Speaking 23–27 minutes / pair





    For a 'pass' mark, it is necessary to achieve an overall score of at least 60%, as well as in each individual subtest.


    The results will be posted within 30 days after the exam date here.


    Successful candidates will be mailed certificates within 7 weeks after the exam date. If a candidate does not receive his/her certificate within 7 weeks of sitting the exam, he/she is advised to contact the secretariat RTC ILPS CU.


    What does the certificate look like?

    Certificate Sample A2, B1, B2 and C1 (valid for examinations held from 1st March 2021)

    vzor 2021 01vzor 2021 02


    Certificate Sample A1 (valid for examinations held from 2nd December 2019)

    vzor 2019 a1 01vzor 2019 a1 02


    Certificate Sample A2, B1, B2 a C1 (valid for examinations held from 2nd December 2019)

    vzor 2019 01vzor 2019 02


    Certificate Sample A1 (valid for examinations held until 1st December 2019)

    vzor do 2019 a1 01vzor do 2019 a1 02


    Certificate Sample A2, B1, B2 a C1 (valid for examinations held until 1st December 2019)

    vzor do 2019 01vzor do 2019 02

    Last change: July 3, 2022 15:21 
    Contact us online

    General Contact
    +420 212 245 245

    Support Contact - Courses:
    +420 212 245 245
    +420 778 754 481

    Support Contact - Exams for Permanent Residency:
    +420 212 245 245

    Support Contact - Exams for Citizenship:
    +420 212 245 245

    Support Contact - CCE Exams, Exams for Faculty of Medicine, MOCK TESTS:
    +420 212 245 245

    ID No.: 00216208, VAT No.:  CZ00216208

    Data Box ID: piyj9b4

    Connect with us

    How to Reach Us

    The Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies of Charles University (ILPS CU) 

    Vratislavova 29/10

    128 00 Prague 2

    Czech Republic