FAQ Czech courses ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************** * Payment ****************************************************************************************** 1 Can I receive an invoice? Yes, it is possible. However, you must request the invoice in advance, no later than 28 da start of the course. 2 Can I pay by card? Where? Yes, by prior arrangement at the Prague-Voršilská study centre, in the Study Department of floor, room 318. 3 Can I pay in cash? Where? Yes, by prior arrangement in the building of the Prague-Voršilská study centre, in the off accounting and finance manager, room 308 - Eva Nováková. 4 What is the course payment deadline? Most of our courses are payable no later than 14 days before the start of the course. 5 What is the cancellation policy? For cancellation policy, please click here [ URL "https://ujop.cuni.cz/UJOPEN-197.html"] 6 Is it possible to pay in instalments? Unfortunately, payment in instalments is not possible. In justified cases, you can apply f which will be considered on an individual basis. To apply for an exception, please contact Department. 7 Where do I find my variable symbol for payment? The variable symbol for payment for the group course is the same as your application numbe it in the automatic reply you received after submitting your application. 8 Can I enrol in the course after it has started? If there is only an inquiry form available for a course, the capacity is probably full or deadline is over. However, you can fill in the inquiry form, submit the placement test (yo link to it in the automatic reply) and the Study Department will contact you if we find a in the course. ****************************************************************************************** * Group Organisation ****************************************************************************************** 9 Can I choose a teacher? Unfortunately, this is not possible in our courses. 10 How many students are in a group? We usually have groups of 12 students. The minimum number of paid applications to open a c 11 Is it necessary to take the placement test (written and spoken)? Yes. Placement testing helps us to divide prospective students into groups according to th language proficiency before the start of the course, which allows us to streamline the tea group. The exception is students who have never studied Czech (complete beginners), they d placement test. Note: The written placement test is used for internal purposes as a general diagnostic too candidates into groups according to their current knowledge. It is not an official test, w confirm the language proficiency of the tested person. ****************************************************************************************** * Applying for the course ****************************************************************************************** 12 Are there still places available in the course I have chosen? If the application for a course is open, there are still places available. If only the inq available for the course, the capacity is probably full or the application deadline is ove you can fill in the inquiry form, submit the placement test (you will receive a link to it reply) and the Study Department will contact you if we find a vacancy for you in the cours 13 Can I enrol in the course after it has started? If there is only an inquiry form available for a course, the capacity is probably full or deadline is over. However, you can fill in the inquiry form, submit the placement test (yo link to it in the automatic reply) and the Study Department will contact you if we find a in the course. If the course application form (including the inquiry form) is closed, it is no longer pos the course. ****************************************************************************************** * Course organisation ****************************************************************************************** 14 How many times can I miss a class? Long-term statistics show that if you miss more than 20% of the course, you are likely to We do not refund or make up classes missed for personal reasons. 15 Where do the classes take place? The classes take place at Voršilská 144/1, Prague 1, unless stated otherwise in the course 16 When are the school holidays? The school holiday is whenever a school day is on an official public holiday. School holid also in the period between Christmas and the New Year. See the schedule [ URL "https://ujo UJOPEN-179.html"] . 17 Where can I find my identification number for the written test? The identification number is the same as your application number. You will find it in the you received after submitting your application. 18 Will I have access to Internet/Wi-Fi in my course? If you study in a long-term intensive course of more than 4 weeks, you will have a persona Fi. This also applies to evening courses. 19 What is needed to study online? Good internet connection, camera and microphone, quiet environment. 20 Where can I find the next date of the course I have chosen? The nearest dates of your chosen course can always be found in the detailed description of above, other dates can be found on the bottom left. 21 Do you provide IT support for courses? WhatsApp group [ URL "https://chat.whatsapp.com/GsgCJ2r0nHr3Wgjop3UPfy"] for VK course par ****************************************************************************************** * Textbooks ****************************************************************************************** 22 What textbooks are used? For intensive courses [ URL "https://ujop.cuni.cz/UJOPEN-43.html?filtrvalue_typkurzu=36"] use Czech Step by Step 1, 2 and for non-intensive courses [ URL "https://ujop.cuni.cz/UJOP filtrvalue_typkurzu=12"] we use Czech Express 1, 2, 3, 4 and Czech it Up 3, 4, 5. 23 Do I get the textbook for free or do I have to buy it? The textbook is included in the course fee for intensive courses [ URL "https://ujop.cuni. UJOPEN-43.html?filtrvalue_typkurzu=36"] . Students of other courses have to buy it and can Prague-Voršilská centre. ****************************************************************************************** * Certificate ****************************************************************************************** 24 Will I get a certificate after completing the course? Yes, if you study in a long-term intensive course [ URL "https://ujop.cuni.cz/UJOPEN-43.ht filtrvalue_typkurzu=36"] and pass the final exam. If you complete one of the other courses receive a " Certificate of Attendance". 25 Is the certificate I receive after completing the course sufficient for permanent resid No, you must pass an official exam designed for these purposes. ****************************************************************************************** * Visa and accommodation ****************************************************************************************** 26 Is it possible to provide accommodation? Yes, if you study in one or two-semester intensive course [ URL "https://ujop.cuni.cz/UJOP filtrvalue_delkastudia=80&filtrvalue_typkurzu=36"] 27 Can I get a visa while studying in your course? It is only possible to get a visa (other purpose) for long-term intensive courses, which c [ URL "https://ujop.cuni.cz/UJOPEN-43.html?filtrvalue_typkurzu=36"] ****************************************************************************************** * Study Department ****************************************************************************************** 28 Where is the Study Department of my course? And when is it open? The Study Department is located at Voršilská 144/1, Prague 1 - room No. 303 on the 3rd flo are usually as follows: Monday - Thursday: 8:30 - 11:30 AM / 12:30 - 4:00 PM Friday: 8:30 - 11:30 AM / 12:30 - 3:00 PM